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Yep, her off Babestation.

Forget coffee! Try this new 'snortable chocolate' instead

People will do anything for a good high, including whacking a load of chocolate up their hooter.

The latest trend in legal highs is something called Coco Loko (great name), brought to you by a Florida-based company called Legal Lean. The snortable cocoa-based powder is laced with gingko biloba, taurine and guarana, and promises to give users a rush of euphoria - pretty much like what you'd get with an energy drink or really mild ecstasy and will retail around around £20.

[Image: 28o4p]

It all sounds like fun and game but be warned that company owner, Nick Anderson has not consulted any medical experts before selling Coco Loko so fuck knows what you're banging up your shnozz. Sometimes these legal highs can be more potent than the illegal stuff. I should know - I used to buy legal pills in my late teens that gave you an 8-hour high similar to cocaine but the comedown was be so brutal that I once thought I heard music coming from my bathroom sink. I actually called my friend and told her there was a mini ice-cream van down my sink. Not good. They were banned about a year later.

Company owner Nick says:

Quote:I didn’t consult with any medical professionals, I basically just saw what was going on with Europe. There was no health issues, it’s been out two, three years, everybody seems fine, it’s very popular.
There’s really no negative publicity so I thought we’re good to go.

Hmm, doesn't sound like he's done much research. Asked if the product is safe, Dr Jennifer Ashton said:

Quote:In medicine and science we like decades ideally, or many many years, tens of thousands of patients — we just don’t know, that’s the short answer.
But to be clear, when there are stimulants involved, we know that there can be physiological effects on the body.
It can increase the heart rate, it can increase blood pressure, obviously it can give a jolt of energy, and potentially — if you’re talking about high doses — these can be significant.

[Image: 28o4q]

So basically, if you want to try this product go right ahead but on your own head be it. You might have a bloody good time or you could be a total mess. Although I will say it's always a slight concern when the company owner doesn't know wht the heck it really does.

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