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Yep, her off Babestation.

Internet responds brilliantly to Kim Kardashian's coke scandal

So yesterday I posted an article about the recent scandal that Kim K is caught up in involving two lines of coke on her marble table. She posted a Snapchat with the lines and in the background and people went nuts over it. Here's the photo in case you missed it:

[Image: 28pbi]

Kim was obviously quick to deny the allegations of drug use and said it was, er, sugar. Yup! Not the best excuse she could have come up with.

[Image: 28pbj]

Obviously people thought it was hilarious that Kim would actually try and get away with saying the two lines were sugar and the memes and comments started coming in thick and fast.

[Image: 28pbn] [Image: 28pbo] [Image: 28pbp] [Image: 28pbq]

You gotta love the internet at times like this. Kim has definitely gone up in my estimations after all this too, I wouldn't mind a night getting 'on it' with her.

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