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Yep, her off Babestation.

Natalie Portman stars in crazy new alien film, Annihilation

There aren't many movies that get me excited anymore but one new movie I'm definitely intigued by is Natalie Portman's latest film, Annihilation.

[Image: 2am2j]

The film is set in a small town in the Baltimore suburbs - Lena (Natalie Portman) teaches microbiology at John Hopkins University, while her husband (Oscar Isaac) goes off on various missions for the government. One night he comes home a little worse for wear, but this reunion is cut short as a military team ambushes the couple. Lena is then taken by gunpoint to a military medical research unit, close to a natural park where strange occurrences’ are said to happen. Lena is put into a captivity room, which she escapes from, leading her to discover ‘the shimmer’ - an alien world. Take a look at the trailer:

Anything starring Oscar Isaac is always of interest to me. That dude picks some seriously good films. Plus it's from the director of Ex Machina, another incredible film. I'm pretty bloody excited for this. Annihilation is due for release February 2018.

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