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Yep, her off Babestation.

Lead singer from clown themed band arrested for trying to smuggle $7 million worth of drugs into Japan

Daniel Whitmore, who is the lead singer of a clown themed Iron Maiden cover band called 'Powerclown' has been arrested for trying to smuggle $7 million worth ok cocaine into Japan. Wowers. That's alot of chang!

[Image: 2at9o]

Daniel, also known as Dicksee Diànno, was travelling to Japan to perform a gig but was stopped at the airport where officials found copious amounts of coke in his his guitar case and some tea containers. Daniel now faces ten years behind bars in Japan due to their insanely harsh policy on drugs.

As for the band, Powerclown have taken to Facebook to voice their concern and wish Daniel the best but that's allthey're really saying on the matter. I guess they don't want to show too much support being that their lead singer did some pretty illegal shit.

[Image: 2at9u]

Fans of the band have been offering their support on Powerclowns page:

[Image: 2at9y]

Although not everyone feels bad for Daniel and says he deserves everything he gets:

[Image: 2ata4]

Hopefully the band can continue on with a new frontman.

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