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Yep, her off Babestation.

NASA sent an identical twin to space for a year & his entire face changed!

An astronaut who also happened to be an identical twin went to space for a year, only to come back and find he was no longer identical to his twin brother Mark.

[Image: 2bl77]
Scott Kelly, was sent into space for a year so NASA scientists could compare Scott's changes to his twin brother who had stayed on earth. Both of the brothers are astronauts but it was Scott who was lucky enough to get picked to go to space, or unlucky, seeing as Scott looks at least a decade older after his epic trip.
 [Image: 2bl79]

When Scott came back to earth NASA found that Mark and Scott were now genetically different after Scott's year in space. Amazingly, Scott was also two inches taller. On the no-so-bright side, Scott's time in space has left him looking pretty haggered. His entire face seems to have changed and the brothers certainly don't look identical anymore. Scott joked that it was probably space radiation that aged him.

[Image: 2bl7c]

It's pretty incredible when you think about it, and it has huge implications for long distance space travel for humans. I certainly won't be buggering off to space if I end up looking like Maggie Smith after a year. Hell Nah!

[Image: 2bl78]

I bet their mum is a nightmare at parties! "Oh your son just got promoted? (snigger) my sons are astronauts."

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