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Yep, her off Babestation.

Meet the happily married man who has fathered 65 kids from the back of his van

Some guys go travelling when they retire. Others take up fishing. But not this dude, who thought it would be fun to father 65 kids from the back of his Transit van. As you do.

[Image: 2cjpm]

Clive, a 62-year-old former maths teacher is happily married with three children and nine grandchildren, but he has 62 other kids out there that he's never met. After finding out that he has 'super sperm,' Clive decided he was going to dish out his sperm to women and couples who might not be able to afford the insane cost of fertility clinics.

[Image: 2cjpn]

Clive does all his 'business' from the back of his van but refuses payment for his service because apparently taking a fee would be illegal. I reckon he takes a few quid under the table though. If he's driving to these women's houses, he should at least be asking for petrol money. Clive usually parks outside of the recipients house, climbs in the back of the van and fills up a syringe. He says:

I give them the syringe and will talk to them for about five to ten seconds, just make a bit of idle chit-chat. They are often nervous and it's just a way of putting them at ease. I know this is probably unusual but for me, by doing it in the van there is far less involvement, less emotional attachment.

It's cool that he's helping couples that are struggling with fertility but because he isn't working with Government-approved Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority-licensed clinic, he could actually be liable to pay child support should any of these women decide to go batshit. Not a risk worth taking in my book, but Clive isn't too worried:

I know, technically, if any of the ladies ever wanted to report me to the Child Support Agency in the future, they could nail me for 18 years for child payments.

[Image: 2cjpl]

It's Clive's goal to reach 100 kids and by the looks of things, he's well on the way of achieving it. It's a bit odd that he wants to reach a certain number though. A touch cavemanish perhaps - spread the seed and leave. Clive insists it's all about helping people though:

I love the joy it brings. So many people say, 'Thank you so much, Clive, you really have changed our lives'. That, for me, is why I do it. It's special.

I wanted to help their plight because I love children so much. About two thirds of the people I have helped are same-sex couples. The others are heterosexual couples and a few are single ladies. I am not strict and I do believe every lady deserves to have a baby. All I am doing is helping. I have always insisted on artificial insemination. I know some donors advertise this but it turns out they want sex. I have had several people turn around to me and say, 'Crikey, Clive, it is so nice to meet a normal person'.

[Image: 2cjpo]

I can't imagine that's the best way to get a woman into bed. Then again, some bitches are baby crazy. I guess some of the creepers pray on those types of women. I reckon I could sell my husbands sperm for a few quid. We don't have a van though, only a Hyundai, but he could just put his jacket over his lap to cover up the wanking. New business venture. BOOM!

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