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Yep, her off Babestation.

Oxford uni students go wild at annual drug-fuelled sex parties!

When I was a student I was lucky to scrape together a fiver so I could buy some beers to bring to my mate Jenny's house party. But these Oxford uni students are forking out £110 a head to attend drug fuelled sex parties. How very decadent.

[Image: 2d0cl]

Students from the university attended drug-fuelled orgies in a remote field at an annual party organised by the Piers Gaveston Society. The party had live sex shows, virgins being spanked on stage and dedictaed drug tents where dealers would sell coke and MDMA. One student said:

There was a lot of spanking - couples turning into foursomes and fivesomes. There were so many girls who were totally naked.

[Image: 2d0cp]

Damn. Drugs tent. Live sex show. These fuckers have thought of everything. There is even a strict dress code - kinda like 'eyes wide shut', with attendees wearing masks and lingerie. It's all very posh. One attendee wrote:

During the sex show, they asked for a 'virgin' from the audience and brought people up. There was some whipping on stage from the committee members.Ultimately, a whole group of them were kissing. Some were fully naked, fondling and groping. Then they burned a wicker man outside. The whole thing was so paganistic.

[Image: 2d0cm] [Image: 2d0cn] [Image: 2d0co]

Clearly You can't have a toff sex party without cocaine, and the dealers had their very own tent where they handed out goodies like MDMA & LSD. One attendee wrote:

The dealers were on a stage six or seven feet up. You had to climb stairs or reach up to them. They were dispensing drugs from massive bags the size of footballs. It was like a giant sweet shop. Everyone wanted a hit before the dealers ran out.They handed over huge wads of cash so they could get enough to last them the night. The tables were piled high with powder. It was three hours before the dealers ran out, but you could just help yourself at one of the tables. The stuff was everywhere.There was cocaine, MDMA and LSD being offered for sale.

[Image: 2d0cq]

Sounds like a fuckin great night. If anyone knows how to score a ticket let me know. Y'know, for research purposes.

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