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Yep, her off Babestation.

Woman drinks her own pee everyday in order to stay healthy

Another day, another wee wee drinking story. This time we're sharing the story of 33-year-old Kayleigh, who was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease 15-years ago. It's an autoimmune condition which basically causes an under-active thyroid but one thing that has made her condition more manageable is drinking her own pee. I swear, if I read one more story about people drinking piss, I might have to try it myself. 

[Image: 2d-re]

Kayleigh says the health benefits of drinking wee far out ways the warm, slightly grim flavour. She says: 

Quote:It was almost instant.Drinking urine can’t harm you and I view it as a medicine. We don’t think twice about taking drugs bought over the counter, with side-effects, yet urine has no side-effects and it works really well.
A lot of expensive skin brands contain urea, which is excreted in urine, so I have also got a really expensive product for free.I heard that urine can reset the immune system, promote general good health, and is good for the skin. It is also an ancient yogic technique, so thought I would give it a go. I had an extreme amount of energy, it was amazing.
I have never been horrified by the thought of drinking it and my friends and family accept what I do. We are conditioned to think drinking urine is unclean, but it’s just a sterile filtration of the blood.

Urine works really well to clear your skin up, if you have any hormonal issues with it. So, I use it as a moisturiser, just putting some on a cotton wool and popping it on my skin before I jump in the shower. It moisturises and helps exfoliate too.
We are exposed to so many external environmental toxins, if you have ill-health it’s about trying to find a more natural health to improve it.Now I need less sleep and wake up naturally at 5am without an alarm. A combination of my diet and yoga practice, as well as drinking urine every day, has helped to cure me.

Damn, she kinda selling it to me. I mean I'd rub it on my face but I really don't think I could gulp it down. It's cool that it's working for her though.

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