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Yep, her off Babestation.

Too many fizzy drinks caused this guy’s arm to rot away!

We all know that fizzy drinks are horrendous for your health. They can cause obesity, tooth decay and heart disease but I never knew they could also cause your limbs to rot away like the poor sod in the next story.

[Image: 2qm9z] 

Horrifying images have emerged showing Mohd Razin Mohamed’s gaping arm wound that was directly caused by drinking too many fizzy drinks. The 56-year-old from Malaysia, said he almost lost his arm after doctors diagnosed him as having suffered from diabetes after drinking fizzy drinks every day.  Apparently Mohd would neck a few cans of fizzy drinks every day. He said: 

I would drink so much of the sugary drinks that on three occasions I fainted at work. 

Mohd then developed diabetes as a result of his insane sugar intake and later discovered a boil on his back that gradually started rotting away his flesh, exposing the bone underneath. Weirdly, he carried on working with his rotting arm and only went the doctor when it stated to stink. He was admitted for emergency surgery which involved cutting away the infected skin and draining away the pus from the boil together. Eww

[Image: 2qm9-] 

Thankfully, doctors managed to save Mohd’s arm but he’s no longer able to work as he can’t move his arm properly. Reflecting on his illness, Mohd said: 

Quote:It's no longer about having regrets, at the end of the day I bought this on myself by having too much sugar.

[Image: 2qma0]
Damn. Let that be a lesson to all you fizzy drink-lovers, that shit is pure poison and unless you want to have rotting teeth and limbs, you should switch to water!

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