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Yep, her off Babestation.

Josh Brolin burns anus after trying out wacky new wellness trend!

So I have a follow up to to the viral trend that’s been doing the rounds of late - butt chugging sunlight. In case you're too lazy to read my other article, it basically involves a bunch of hippies sunning their assholes as a way of taking in the sun’s energy. 

[Image: 2so8f] 

Obviously it’s all complete and utter bollocks, but one celeb has decided to give it a go himself and has given his verdict. Turns out, not only is it nonsense, but ‘perineum sunning’ can actually leave you with some pretty serious anus burns. Avengers & Goonies star Josh Brolin took to Instagram to detail his experience and it ain’t pretty:

[Image: 2so8g]

If that isn’t a reason to not attempt this I don’t know what is. Although if you’re trying this in the UK I’d be more worried about your butthole freezing and becoming host to a hibernating hedgehog. Brrrrrr!!!
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