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Yep, her off Babestation.

Dude tries to fight stripper after getting thrown out of the club

After this pleb tried getting a little too handsy with a stripper at a local strip club the doorman turfed his ass out to the curb. But being a drunken fool, he wasn't having any of it.

[Image: 1aoax]

The guy was so wasted, instead of accepting his fate and heading on home to sleep it off, he decided to fight his way back into the strip club to have a go at the stripper who reported him. The dude actually manages to grab hold of her before the bouncers intervene and throw his ass down the steps. The bouncers probably should have checked the guys grip on the stripper before launching him through the door though, because she gets dragged down the stairs with the drunken bellend.

I remember a good 15 years ago when I was working in Stringfellow's a guy thought he would walk out without paying my friend and I. We went all angry stripper on his ass and started kicking him with our slutty clear heels. It was pretty funny, if not chavvy as fuck!

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