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Yep, her off Babestation.

Balding men take the leap and shave their heads...

It's utterly devastating for a man to start losing his hair. If you're lucky like my dad, you'll keep your hair well into your 70's but if you're unlucky you'll start receding in your early 20's and nothing can prepare you for the heartache.

I've seen guys cling on to their last remaining wispy bits of hair for way longer than they probably should. As a girl there's one piece pf advice I'd like to offer to those balding men; Own it! If you're losing it anyway shave it off before you get an "egg in the nest" situation.

[Image: 1etlq]

[Image: Signs-of-Receding-Hairline_1.jpg]

Girls don't care if you've got a shaved head, in fact at times we totally dig it.

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