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Yep, her off Babestation.

People reveal the best ways to subtly f*ck with people

If you sifted through Reddit you'll know it's a minefield of shit and drivel but if you look hard enough you can find some real gems. Recently someone asked “How do you subtly fuck with people?” and the results were pretty awesome.

Quote: Simply introduce myself to a group of people as different names and watch as one forgets my name and asks his friends what my name is to get half a dozen different ones. Works a treat with drunks.


Quote: Say common things just barely wrong to where you know they notice but won’t correct you. Game of the Thrones, Snapchap, Los Vegas.

[Image: 1-urw]

Quote: Anytime I am saying goodbye I will genuinely tell them, “See you tomorrow!”. It always stops people in their tracks trying to figure out if they forgot something really important or where they would see me.


Quote: A buddy of mine will randomly wish me happy birthday on Facebook when it’s not my birthday so then a bunch of other people will wish me a happy birthday and I have to explain its not my birthday. This fucker does it every year.

A couple of weeks ago he posted on my wall “congratulations man I knew you’d land that opportunity, so proud of you”. That followed by a couple dozen people asking me what i had accomplished.

[Image: 1-usn]

Quote: I’ve been moving my coworker’s desk a little bit every couple of days after he leaves. Started against the wall and now it’s a solid eight inches away. Pretty soon it’ll be in the doorway and he hasn’t said anything yet.


Quote: Every now and then, I'll greet seemingly-chill bar guests (I'm a bartender) by saying, "how you fucks doin today?" When they ask me, "what?", in shocked confusion, I say, "I said, how you folks doin today?" My uncle is a car salesman and taught me this. Gives me a little joy when it's a tough shift.


Quote: "Pedro's bbq and abortion where your loss is our sauce" When anyone calls the house phone

 [Image: 1-utk]

I need to start coming up with some subtle ways to fuck with people. I'll get my thinking cap on and get back to you with my ideas.

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