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Yep, her off Babestation.

Costco employees describe their scummiest customers

Costco customers are just one notch above the knuckle dragging Walmart scum, total shit stains on society who clamber after a bargain like their life depended on it. They pile their trollies high with cheap meat, with their 8 kids in tow acting like entitled shitbags because they're "members". What's worse than being a Costco customer is the poor bastards that have to serve those cretins. Here are their stories:

I'm not sure what it is about samples at Costco, but it almost always brings the worst out in people. It's like they revert to a stage in life where they were never taught manners, patience or respect toward others. One lady once grabbed the entire tray of sausages and walked off. Another grabbed a sample of Nutella and got punched because the guy behind her wanted it more. She was taking a shit ton of samples but she didn't deserve to be punched. She also didn't press charges for some reason. For real though. Wait your turn. Only take one. YOU. WILL. GET. YOUR. SAMPLE. People grab more than they need, samples for their family and friends and generally become vicious grown children.

[Image: 24vnk]

Working in returns at Costco will probably make you the most spiteful person in the whole damn warehouse. You will meet some of the nastiest, shameless most smug people on the planet. Some guy had the balls to return a mattress that he had purchased years ago. Normally something like this would be exaggerated, but his mattress was tinted fucking orange. Shit was practically colour coded with all the shit that went down on that filthy thing. It stank, it was gross to look at and I was not touching it. I gave him two mattress bags and told him to wrap that thing the fuck up before it came anywhere near the counter.
Another time a woman tried to return a camera that she had bought about a year ago. We have a VERY generous return policy being 90 days to bring electronics back. After that, you're on your own. She wanted the updated Nikon camera she had purchased a year ago for the newest model. We denied her and she was up in arms. Tears, yelling and rage. She claimed to have called this warehouse and spoken to some woman who had never worked here, but didn't even have proof of calling any Costco warehouse in the area. After about 20 minutes of this, a manager came over and gave her the full refund. The smug look on her face made me want to drop kick her right into traffic.

[Image: 24vnr]

  1. A member left their child behind in the warehouse to teach them a lesson about running off for well over two hours.
  2. Members who open items and eat it then put it back on the shelf and think they don't have to pay for it.
  3. Members that feel like they are entitled to whatever they ask for because they pay to shop there. I can't tell you how many times I have heard "I spend over $2,000 here to do insert dumb request here".
  4. Members that feel like they need to jump the lines because they have kids with them.
  5. I had a member who had a list with her and asked us to bring everything up to the front for her and load it in her car. She couldn't have been older that 40 and in great shape.
  6. A member tried to return an item not sold at Costco and kept going up the chain of management until the GM had to be called in to say no.
  7. Members that don't read signs that clearly show the name of an item and not just the price.
  8. People who get to the front, are rung through, and don't have any form of payment on them.
  9. A member that tried to extort us for money because they got bumped by a cart and scream out in pain falling to the floor.

[Image: 24vo4]

I once saw a woman return an empty bottle of wine because "it gave her a headache." Maybe we're wrong, but we think the woman might have been suffering from what we call a "hangover."


After buying (and evidently eating) a $200 vacuum-packed ribeye steak, one Costco member returned a container of cooked bones and fat. And amazingly, they were entirely reimbursed for their return.
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